Impresionante recopilación internacional con los más representativos grupos y músicos. Un imprescindible repaso a la plana mayor de la electrónica underground de los 80 dividido en cinco cassettes.
Volúmen 1:
1 Chris & Cosey - Yes Know
2 Attrition - The Visitor
3 Legendary Pink Dots - Premonition 5
4 Konstruktivists - Black On Black
5 Pseudo Code - Missing Persons
6 Nurse With Wound - The Strange Play Of The Mouth
7 Sutcliffe Jügend - Slut Meat
8 DDAA - King Deebo Is Six Tracks For A Kit
9 Human Flesh - Accident
10 John Hurst - Untitled
11 Section 25 - In The Garden Of Eden
Volúmen 2:
1 Metamorphosis - Fire Gates
2 Fan Tan - Dress Up
3 Test Dept. - Gdansk
4 Nocturnal Emissions - Smear Campaign
5 Portion Control - Bite My Head
6 Lustmord - At Thee Mountain Of Madness
7 Tone Death - Song Of The Flame
8 Un Département - A La Surface
9 Scram Ju Ju - Big Beyond
10 Section 25 - Cry
11 Attrition - Black Death
12 Five Or Six - Aroma
13 Chris & Cosey - Lock Down
14 Nurse With Wound - Someone Others Garden
Volúmen 3:
1 Konstruktivists - Masonik I
2 Portion Control - Crash Weight Gain
3 Bene Gesserit - Wash Your Ideas
4 Legendary Pink Dots - Close Your Eyes You Can Be A Space Captain
5 David Jackman - Vault
6 Bushido - Modelwerk
7 Nurse With Wound - Excerpt From Pricksongs
8 Metamorphosis - Musak In The Pentagon
9 James Braddell - Untitled
10 P16.D4 - Catched By Botulism
11 We Be Echo - A New Day
12 Onnyk - Distant Sessions
Volúmen 4:
1 Chris & Cosey - Jink Jive (Version)
2 Nocturnal Emissions - Going Under
3 Scram Ju Ju - Face Of An Angel
4 Human Flesh - Hself Namuh
5 Aeolian String Ensemble - Ingemisco
6 Ian Boddy - At Set Points
7 Attrition - Pendulum Turns
8 Muslimgauze - Icon Screen
9 Cultural Amnesia - Rest Home (The Man Who Worked With Tourists)
10 Two - Till Five Weeks
11 Nexda - Untitled
12 Test Dept. - Extract From Exercise Of Will
13 Lustmord - Of Bones Of Men
Volúmen 5:
1 Dave Jones - Kirk
2 Hula - Black Pop Workout
3 Colin Potter - Away From The Public Eye
4 Smegma - Hawaiian War Chant
5 David Knight - In Place
6 Die Tödliche Doris - Fliegt Schnell Laut Summend
7 Radio Free Europe - Like I Do
8 Sirius B - Is This The End?
9 Irsol - Reesoning
10 Philippe Laurent - Et Hop
11 Ptôse - The Big Chief
12 DDAA - Adios Come Again
13 Kopf Kurz - Recluus
14 Merzbow - Envoise
15 Conrad Schnitzler - Untitled
Cassette 1
Cassette 2
Cassette 3
Cassette 4
Cassette 5
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ResponderEliminarhello from australia. Amazing blog!
EliminarCan you please upload these links again?
ResponderEliminarNuevos links porfaaaa
ResponderEliminarAquí los tienes: http://stahlfabrik.blogspot.com.es/2015/01/various-rising-from-red-sand-statutory.html
ResponderEliminarhola desde mallorca, ¿nuevo links por favor?
ResponderEliminarActualicé este post en junio de este año: https://stahlfabrik.blogspot.com/2020/06/various-rising-from-red-sand-statutory.html