Sunroof! come from a music community seemingly designed with the obsessive music fan in mind. Those looking for an obscure psychedelic noise scene populated by enigmatic characters prone to issuing scores of hyper-limited records to pad a massive and completely unmanageable discography need look no further than the Skullflower. The band was formed in rural England in 1985, and members went on to perform and record in various configurations under the names Ramleh, Consumer Electronics, Ax, Novatron, Ascension, and JFK, and that's just for starters. Sunroof! is the name ex-Skullflower guitarist Mathew Bower now uses for his solo projects (he previously released albums under the name Total).
1-1 Misty Spring Morning 7:04
1-2 Valentine 6:02
1-3 Stately Metal Trees 16:42
1-4 Jacking Off Making Airplane Noises 4:29
1-5 Silver Pennies 26:59
1-6 The Last Lemur 5:14
2-1 Schooner Trapped In Ice 12:08
2-2 Grey Felt Village 9:51
2-3 Prince Of Thieves #2 9:36
2-4 Drive By #1 5:10
2-5 Shiney Tunnel 12:27
2-6 Cleopatra's Wedding Gift 4:13
2-7 Twilight Theme Park 8:11
2-8 Drive By #2 8:47