Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta MIXED BAND PHILANTHROPIST. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta MIXED BAND PHILANTHROPIST. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 1 de febrero de 2025


Aquí os traigo otra de las joyitas que me he traído este año de mis vacaciones barcelonesas. Se trata de una soberbia compilación internacional grabada en 1984 y lanzada un año más tarde por el sello británico FRUX, en una edición limitada de 500 copias con un folleto de 12 páginas con gráficos de todos los artistas, más 250 copias sin folleto distribuidas a los grupos.  
Además del gran experimentador italiano ENRICO PIVA, encontramos nombres célebres como P16.D4, O YUKI CONJUGATE, MUSLIMGAUZE, 391, THE NEW BLOCKADERS, MIXED BAND PHILANTHROPIST, LLL, NEW 7TH MUSIC, FEAR OF THOUGHT (atención a este proyecto de Danny Ayers). En resumen: un material que no os podéis perder. 

Aprovecharé esta ocasión para dedicar un especial al fugaz y efímero sello FRUZ, sello industrial británico dirigido por Mark Lally. Activo a principios de los 80, ahora desaparecido. En 1984 se publicó una revista de tamaño A5 de 48 páginas: "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY JA JA" (con la participación de The New Blockaders, Organum, Enrico Piva, Coil, 400 Blows, Band Of Holy Joy, Crass, Test Dept., Psychic TV, Die Tödliche Doris, DDAA, Allen Ginsberg, Trax, William S. Burroughs, Chris And Cosey y We Be Echo). 

Voy a compartir casi todas las publicaciones de FRUX, salvo (de momento) la cassette "NOT BY CHANCE", que no hay manera de conseguirla por ningún lado. He buscado por todos lados (Soulseek, blogs, contactos, etc.) y nada. Por lo tanto, acudo a vosotr@s para que me echéis una mano, si alguien posee esta cassette, que me escriba y la aporte al blog.



Born Out Of Dreams
Frux (FruxLP 01), 1985

A1 Fear Of Thought - Helen Lane
A2 Enrico Piva - Flogging Hour In The HKA
A3 P16.D4 - Koronardilatation
A4 O Yuki Conjugate - E Tribal
A5 P.D. - Im Rausch Der Geschwindigkeit
A6 Nurse With Wound - Automating (Again)
B1 Muslimgauze - Sakharov
B2 391 - Gt'2
B3 New Blockaders, The - Seinsart
B4 LLL - The Dark Forces Have Taken Over
B5 New 7th Music - Coatlicue
B6 Mixed Band Philanthropist - Those Who Kissed Now Wept, Those Who Wept Now Sang


NWW's Automating (Again) is shorter than the version released later. 

Thanks to: R. Rupenus, Bryn Jones, Ralf Wehowsky, Nick Cope, Steve Stapleton, Enrico Piva, Danny Ayers, A. Hulme, Phil Kelday, Tristan Tzara and Nanavesh. 

Though the record has a copyright date of 1984, it was not pressed until the following year. 

Limited edition of 500 copies with 12-page booklet with graphics by all artists, plus 250 copies without booklet distributed to the groups.

viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017



El seguidor de este blog STAN HENS me ha pedido una serie de materiales que en lo sucesivo voy a compartir en éste, vuestro blog. Empezaremos con este proyecto llamado MIXED BAND PHILANTHROPIST, del que apenas tengo información, salvo los datos que aparecen en san Discogs en que informan de que sus fundadores fueron ALLAN ZANE, D. LUCAS, K. JAMESON, RICHARD RUPENUS, STAN REED. Pero ante la escasez informativa, me permito transcribir un texto que he encontrado por la red de redes y que da una explicación bastante amplia sobre el proyecto y sobre este trabajo en particular:

Recorded from 1984 to 1986, The Impossible Humane is the sole album from The New Blockaders side project Mixed Band Philanthropist. Originally released on the German Selektion label in 1987 and impossible to find nowadays, Staubgold makes this rare gem of industrial-goes-musique concrète available again in a strictly limited edition of 400 copies. Furthermore, the reissue contains two bonus tracks taken from the 7" single The Man Who Mistook a Real Woman for His Muse and Acted Accordingly. The album is assembled of exclusive source material by the who's-who of the industrial music scene of the time, including contributions from Nurse With Wound, Organum, Andrew Chalk, The New Blockaders, Etant Donnes, H.N.A.S., P16.D4, Asmus Tietchens, Controlled Bleeding, Smegma, Merzbow, and many more. "A classic chunk of destroyed concrète. Assembled from a variety of musical and spoken sources, this is a nonstop barrage of genius. Filled with headsnapping changes, sexual innuendo and general confusion, it's a totally great listening experience," said The Wire. Idwal Fisher wrote: "This car-crash tape collage still stands today as one of the best examples of the genre. Its perpetual barrage of split-second samples are a dizzying mess of '60s pop songs, scrapes, industrial whirr, uncategorizeable racket, ghostly voices, electronic beebles and burrs, sped-up records, tape whizz, machine rumble, snatches of reggae, bucket damage, kazoo farts, disco spots and about three-thousand or more (I'm guessing) other samples that really shouldn't work, but, by some sleight of hand or genius, actually do. On paper, snatches of steel bands shouldn't be found on the same side of tape as Geordie MCs, Michael Jackson, pneumatic drills, early Merzbow and '50s doo wop, but here they are and it works. Totally. Then comes the added bonus of being able to listen to this to the point of ad nauseam, mainly due to the fact that there are so few reference points that every listen brings something new."

Personalmente, me ha encantado este CD que procede del LP con el mismo nombre editado en 1987. Se trata de collages sonoros muy bien trabajados, sonido altamente industrial y energía e imaginación a raudales. Me ha hecho pasar un rato magnífico.



The Beginnings Of A Once Great Loneliness
Some Were Animated By Their Purest Motives
Confusion In The Mind Of The Otherwise Healthy Boy
The Industry Of Children & Machines
Horus Man (Enclaved By Wisdom)
The Impossible Humane




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