Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ENHANTA BODLAR. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ENHANTA BODLAR. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Enhänta Bödlar ‎– Sista Smörjelsen (Selbstmord Organización ‎– MORD 7, cassette, 1983, mp3 128)

Here's something you won't see every day: some extremely early work of
the infamous roger karmanik, recording as enhanta bodlar (bomb the
daynursery)! obviously, if one is expecting the usual doom'n'gloom that
has come to characterize the sound of brighter death now, you'll be in
for a surprize. it's very primitive (keep in mind roger was but a
youth when he recorded this), but if you enjoyed the recent re-release
of "discipline through mental-illness" on cmi, then this might be right
up your alley. either way, now you can save your hard-earned 
(or perhaps not?) cash and use it to buy some other equally obscure 
(and vastly overpriced) release on ebay. by the way, my cassette was
numbered 8, but no idea what the edition size was. odds are this is
just my "personal number", as karmanik put it, and in no way gives one
an adequite idea of how many there are in existence.

Artist: brighter death now (as enhanta bodlar)
Title: sista smorjelson (selbstmord 7, 1983)


sábado, 25 de julio de 2015



El amigo y seguidor LOW me pidió hace unos días esta compilación internacional que ha resultado ser otro incunable habida cuenta de lo que ha costado encontrarla. Se trata de una recopilación realizada y editada en 1983 por el sello noruego REQUIEM PRODUCTIONS que reúne trabajos de nombres sagrados, auténticos dioses del olimpo de la electrónica underground ochentera. Desde el Tecno-Pop de ABSOLUTE BODY CONTROL, hasta el sonido industrial de P16 D4, pasando por los experimentos de ENHÄNTA BÖDLAR o el universo único de ATTRITION, MAGTHEA O CULTURAL AMNESIA. Toda una joya que debemos custodiar, compartir y disfrutar como se merece.



A1 –Autentisk Film New Day 4:02
A2 –" " Part II 3:25
A3 –Greg Hulak Edited Version 4:35
A4 –Johnny Larssen OO242 2:43
A5 –Attrition Redoubt Of Light (Remix) 5:11
A6 –Magthea Have A Good Night Lullaby 3:36
A7 –LLL Ergereifen 0:23
A8 –Enhänta Bödlar 16 Laughing Korpses 3:00
A9 –Unit 731 (4) Born To Fly 4:25
A10 –Die Desultorische Detonations KG* Theme From ‘Singender Stein’ 8:26
A11 –Absolute Body Control Figures 3:51
A12 –Enhänta Bödlar Vårkanslor 0:50
B1 –P16.D4 Paris Morgue 4:06
B2 –Termisk Sammenbrudd Salami 10:31
B3 –JR Smets* Untitled 2:15
B4 –Der Akteur Theme From ‘Material For Tore’ 4:13
B5 –Cultural Amnesia Nobody Does It Like You Do! 2:33
B6 –" " Part I 0:45
B7 –Pascal And Luc Indian Speaks 2:12
B8 –Mygel I Metall Korrigerad 3:08
B9 –Sirius B (2) Trauma Of The Hunt 2:22
B10 –Mike Vargas Edition 3-20-84, No. 2/ Breastmilk  5:38
B11 –HC Electronic Orchestra AK’s Forlis (A Requiem) 7:24




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