1-1 –Orphx Halflife 1 5:47
1-2 –Orphx Halflife 2 2:48
1-3 –Orphx Halflife 3 5:57
1-4 –Proyecto Mirage San Marcos XIII 5:45
1-5 –Proyecto Mirage Snuff 5:11
1-6 –Proyecto Mirage Don't Dream 4:56
1-7 –Winterkälte Toxic Hotspot 5:21
1-8 –Winterkälte Desertification 4:19
1-9 –Winterkälte Tropical Timber Trade 2000 4:37
1-10 –MS Gentur Fuelled 3:46
1-11 –MS Gentur Poly Tox 6:28
1-12 –MS Gentur Rough'N'Gruff 5:06
1-13 –Needle Sharing Trip 5:06
1-14 –Needle Sharing Yellow Pages 5:03
1-15 –Needle Sharing Speed Bitch (Live) 4:46
2-1 –NKVD ∑ 7:02
2-2 –NKVD Ø 4:42
2-3 –NKVD π 7:06
2-4 –Typhoid Man-Hour (Against) 4:09
2-5 –Typhoid 365 Hostile Eye 4:06
2-6 –Typhoid Man-Hour (Linear) 3:52
2-7 –Ah Cama-Sotz Black Hole 4:00
2-8 –Ah Cama-Sotz Lustt (Torment Mix) 8:01
2-9 –Ah Cama-Sotz Place De Grève 4:21
2-10 –Xabec Sci-Fi 6:11
2-11 –Xabec Auf Und Unter 2:23
2-12 –Xabec Zeitfresser 6:50
2-13 –Schachtanlage Gegenort Kohlenhobel 1:14
2-14 –Schachtanlage Gegenort Rote Wolke 6:17
2-15 –Schachtanlage Gegenort Schrämmaschinenspiel 3:58
Password para descomprimir el rar: STAHLFABRIK
Password to unzip the rar: STAHLFABRIK
Totally Awesome! - Many thanks.