martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Dix Ferro - La zona de la náusea (TBR, 1987)

La zona de la náusea CD front
La zona de la náusea CD back 
La zona de la náusea K7 front
Dix Ferro (Biel Oliver and Xavier Theros) is a collaboration between these two artists through post. Xavier settled the text in Barcelona by sending his poems on cassette and Biel has provided them by working on accompaying music at his hometown of Palma de Mallorca. Otherwise, Xavier is the Catalan writer and poet, co-founder and member, with Rafael Metikovez, of the poly poetry performance duo Accidents Polipoètics.  
Due to the big interes and demand for Dix Ferro, and lack of cassette copies, in 2014 the re-edition is  made at TBR. 
 This time the media was CD-R. 
It's a shame I am not a Spanish language speaker since in this case it's important to listen the words with understanding because they are holding down the main role.
In total, 4 releases of Dix Ferro exist and I will share another 2 with you in the upcoming days. The fourth, last album was never officially released and it is kept only for Biel's friends.

2 comentarios:

  1. Estáis mejorando día a día. Felicidades a Mors Mea y a Josep.

  2. Estáis mejorando día a día. Felicidades a Mors Mea y a Josep.
