sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

Pedro Elías Mamou - Deriva nº 3: Amsterdam (Radio Nacional de España, cass, ?)

Pedro Elías define sus particulares paisajes sonoros con el nombre deriva. Las derivadas son trabajos que nacen con los sonidos de la cuidad y que después le son devueltos de nuevo, presentandose a la propia ciudad en una calle o en una plaza. El termino deriva esta directamente relacionado con el concpeto situacionista de deriva. En palabras de Pedro Elías "ninguna musica existe en la ciudad, ninguna, solvo la musica decidida por la deriva. La escucha de la ciudad no consiste en la repeticion de sus ruidos fijados invariablemente, al contratio se proyecta en sonidos posibles. La deriva suena con los sonidos de la ciudad, no los escucha solamente con el (con) texto, sino que inventa otras posibilidades de escucha tridimensional, abierta indefinidamente  a la pluralidad de los sentidos.
-fragmento de un libro "Las imágenes del sonido: una lectura plurisensorial en el arte del siglo XX"
por Javier Ariza Pomareta

Pedro Elías defines his particular soundscapes with the term "drift" . These "drifts" are works that are born together with the sounds of the city and are returned him back, appearing in the city itself, in a street or a square. The term "drift" is directly related to the situationist "drift" concept. In the words of Pedro Elías "no music exists by itself in the city , none but the music defined by the "drift" . Listening to the city does not consist in the repetition of the sounds invariably fixed, on the contrary, this listening projects into possible sounds . The drift sounds with the city sounds, it doesn't only listen them together with the (con-) text, but creates other possibilities of tridimensional listening, being such open indefinitely to the plurality of the senses.

-excerpt from the book "Sound Images: A multisensory reading on 20th-century art
by Javier Ariza Pomareta

Situationists: Michèle Bernstein, Asger Jorn, Colette Caillard, and Guy Debord

The material on this cassette is from Spanish radio program on RNE. 
Courtesy of Gran Viernes and Francisco López.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Various - Transcription Vol. 2 (BN.exp. Krakow ‎- 07, cass, comp, lim. edition, 1989)

Transcription Vol. 2 compilation, catalogued 07 and compiled 06.11.1989 by Rafael on Polish label BN.exp. Krakowran by twins Rafael and Damian Kozub from Krakow. Their releases were mostly limited as they created the label to publish their own creations. 

Damian Kozub & Rafael Kozub, Cracow (Poland) duo’s activity dates back to late 70’s. The twin brothers, multi–instrumentalists–Rafael and Damian, started playing when they were kids in a band Pantograf that was a part of municipal transport corporation. The brothers created their own band a bit later with their then bassist (later the lead singer and the guitarist of the Cracow blues formation KGB) Paweł Małysiak "Pawka".

Their activity of that time as well as studio recordings were still little bashful. Between 1982 and 1988 they recorded their music on tapes at a home studio and distributed them in Poland and abroad in samizdat by three publishing houses: B.N.exp, ARS2, AML. 

Damian Kozub

Rafael Kozub (click)
In 1986 Damian and Rafael started another group Fragmenty R–27 (later called simply R–27) Encouraged by another band’s success (ZAOS) R–27 they continued their artistic performance for the next four years. The line–up changed over the years: Andrzej Jarzyna was the first drummer, Piotr Nodzeń was the second bassist and Darek Kaszubski played bongos, still the core members stayed invariable: Rafael Kozub (keyboard and percussion, vocals and composer), Damian Kozub (percussion, vocals, piano and composing), Rafał Walczowski "Walek" (bassist), Piotr Łabuzek "Buzer" (trumpet, vocals and synthesizer) and Paweł Ochel "Rudy" (guitar and vocals). 
Apart from tape recordings the brothers published numerous brochures, papers such as: Alter – edited with Robert Kramaric and features – later used by Henryk Palczewski in his guide ARS2. In 1988 the brothers started publishing cooperation with Mariusz Błachowicz and in the middle of 1989 met musicians: Ireneusz Socha, Arkadiusz Franczyk and Andrzej Kramarz (Kirkut–Koncept and Na Przykład) with whom they recorded "Sen Wczorajszy" in October 1989. 

The brothers gave a lot of concerts with this controversial band in their home town Cracow (at a club and Podwawelski Cinema, twice at Nowohuckie Culture Centre (NCK), at Wola Zoo Club and Białoprądnicki Manor House, etc.) They also took part in a few big events such as: in Skawina – "O.D.K" club , in Katowice – "Akant" student club, at a "Festiwal Muzyki Odjazdowej", "O To Chodzi" club in Rzeszów, in Warsaw – "Remont" club and at "Marchewka" Festival in "Riviera" club – together with the composer Zbigniew Lampart – the then manager of Ludwik Solski Theatre in Tarnów. The mistrust towards those vigorous performances, however very remote from post–punk culture, that the band would give, made R–27 abandon further tours and giving accidental gigs. 

On emigration the brothers pursued solo careers. Having settled down in Rhineland – Westphalia (Germany) they carried out their musical projects till late 90’s – especially Damian who recorded even till 2007. The projects have been published on tapes and CD’s. His later attempt to start a band with Peter Sohn from Wuppertal wasn’t successful.

Great and recommended compilation! 

A1 Opera Nova - Niepokoje I
A2 Opera Nova - Niepokoje II
Recorded in Warszawa 1988
Konrad Kucz - synth. juno 2, jx bp, sh-101, sequenc. msq-100 
Grzegorz Leczkowski - guitar 
Adam Radecki (ex Düsseldorf) - moog 

A3 + A4 Wahehe - Trucizna I Perfumy - Part 1 + Part 2 
Recorded at the Club Rudy Kot in Gdansk 12.1987
Marek Seremak - vocals
Rafał Giec aka Franc - bass
Albrecht - guitar, tape

B1 R-27 - U.B.I.C. (The Official Block...)
B2 R-27 - Bez Tyt.
Recorded in Krakow NCK Nowa Huta at the Fakt-Rock Festival 04.1988
Rafael Kozub - Concept, Production, Synth, Vocals 
Piotr Łabuzek aka Buzer - trumpet, harmonica, vocals
Pawel Ochelaka Rudy - guitar, vocals
Rafal Walczowski aka Walek - bass
Damian Kozub - drums

B3 Red Shoes - I
B4 - Red Shoes - II
B5 Red Shoes - III
Homerecording by Piotr Łabuzek, Krakow 1989
Piotr Łabuzek aka Buzer - synth, tape

THE DADAROTATOR - WHAT IS A DADAROTATOR (Produktion ‎– Pro3, Cassette C-60. 1983) (MP3 320)

The Dadarotator es el proyecto sonoro del británico Paul Hurst y del que (al menos yo) sólo se le conoce esta excelente cassette de noise electrónico, todo un torrente de energía concentrado en dos temas de media hora, a cual más intenso. Sonidos industriales, mezclados con ruidos radiofónicos, voces que aparecen y desaparecen en fracciones de segundo, ambientes oscuros, atmósferas densas, texturas sonoras... Personalmente, un placer para mis oídos que me tiene enganchado desde que ayer me lo mandara un seguidor anónimo de éste, vuestro blog.



A Dadarotator 30:00
B Antibourgeois 30:00





jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

S.P.K. - LIVE AT GARIBALDI'S, 21-04-1979 (CASSETTE C-15)

Éste es uno de mis grupos favoritos de la escena industrial. S.P.K. representaron la puesta en marcha de la maquinaria electrónica más impresionante de la historia del sonido industrial de finales de los 70 y principios de los 80. 

Lo que contiene esta cassette es la actuación-debut de S.P.K. como teloneros de los punks Voigt / 465 el 21de abril de 1979 en la sala Garibaldi en Sydney, Australia.. Para la ocasión, crearon un ambiente único con sus sintetizadores, módulos de efectos y percusiones metálicas que dejó perplejos a los asistentes. Un debut que significaría el inicio de uno de los mayores fenómenos de la música electrónica industrial y experimental de los años 80, aunque duraría poco, porque a mediados de esa década, los S.P.K. se vendieron al sonido Tecno-EBM comercial y perdieron toda la gracia. Una lástima.



A1 Slogan 3:48
A2 Panik 2:08
B1 Mekano 2:24
B2 Kontakt 5:48





lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Ustad - Last Pyramid (J.S. Laboratories, C-60, 1988)

 Ustad (Ustad Oni). The project is from Houston, Texas, US and the sound consists an 70s krautish, dark, ambient experience. The name Ustad most likely comes from Persian word Ustād which means master or teacher, an honorific title for a man in South Asia that is usually used for well-regarded teachers and artists, most often musicians.
Ustad Oni also appears as member of Surgical II's, Stick In The Mud, Blistering Moments
 along with Jim Leggett, alias Jesus Penis... 
Ustad's itself k7 releases and compilation tracks are on already mentioned J.S. Laboratories, Sound Of Pig (Al Margolis, US), Nihilistic Recordings (Peter Zincken, NE), Stinky Horse Fuck (Smell & Quim, UK), Deadline Recordings (Richard Ramirez, US), Bureaucracy Of Hope (US), Swing Music (UK) and Hajra (UK).

J.S. Laboratories - Experimental cassette label run by LD Gregory, based in Houston, Texas, and operating from 1986, now defunct. The label is actually named Jittery Sphincter Laboratory, but usually the short version of the name appears on the releases.

ELECTRIC FISH - Electric Field (2007, Slušaj najglasnije!)

Six instrumental electronic compositions in 45 minutes is the work by Matjaž Rebevšek from Celje. He has been active back in the mid '80s creating electronic music, and had among other things, performed a concert in Italian stadium in Udine. This album is of an ambient-experimental nature where Electric Fish, using  only synth (no punches drum machines), makes really very good and interesting music, which has very minimalist attitude melodies approximately consistent with the system of modern electronic music. He is not comming into techno areas, but in some compositions is very close to it's border; trance and progressive sense that comes down to the structure and use of tones and sounds. The technique that represents a kind of minimalism that is different from pioneers like Philip Glass, but some details could surely fit into it (as in oeuvre by Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre and Kitar). The compositions are rich arrangements, very well designed and it is obvious that the electric fish very successfully corresponded with demanding treatment and twelve-tone polyphony in which by the extraordinary nature, composition often enters the psychedelic sphere with distant and barely audible sounds that are deeply suppressed at the very margins of what music brings a very distinctive charm. The only criticism of the rough and abruptly cut off the endings of some compositions that may be circumstantial badly burned on a CD. I do not believe that such a musician allowed himself this amateur cardinal error. With the exception of a few such 'turning off the electricity, "this is a masterpiece of composition in the form of a dreamy electronic album.

 4.But I never know

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Herd Of The Ether Space - Halloween Masks Look Almost Real! (Taped Rugs Productions ‎- TR #31, C-90, 1990)

I have a special trick and treat for you today!

During the 1980’s, Herd Of The Ether Space produced spooky improvised recordings on the Halloweens of 1987, 1988, and 1989. Released by Taped Rugs Productions in 1990, the cassette album: “Halloween Masks Look Almost Real!” blends together recordings from October 31st, 1987, and October 31st, 1989, into a scary presentation that can liven up any All Hallows Eve gathering. 

The first two pieces from the cassette: “Lacing The Candy” and “Witches To Char” are mixes of recordings from the 1989 session, featuring Charles Rice Goff III and Robert Silverman. The session was held at the home of Silverman’s girl friend, Debra Burger, in Berkeley, California, in a room where the walls were cracked and crumbled from the Loma Prieta earthquake, which had taken place less than two weeks previous (on Goff’s birthday). Trick or Treaters who came to Debra’s house that night were tricked and treated with some genuinely frightening noises. The recordings from that night were made on a stereo cassette deck; no tape loop system was used.

To create the other two pieces on the cassette: “Giant Bat Flies” and “Tongue Of Lizard Certain Death,” Goff mixed recordings from the 1989 session with recordings from the 1987 session. The Herd’s line-up for Halloween, 1987, consisted of Goff, Silverman, and Killr “Mark” Kaswan. This improvised sonic adventure into the underworld was made with the Taped Rugs Frippertronic-style tape loop system at the Taped Rugs Studio on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, California. 

The full archive from the cassette, presented here, kicks off with Debra greeting some costumed innocents at her front door, then features the Herd playing a wide variety of instruments and inputting sounds from all sorts of Halloween tapes and records, evangelical recordings, scream generators, etc. 

Copyright 1987, 1989, 1990

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Building Balanced Children - Building Balanced Children (Key Records, cass, smplr, 1986)

Sucking Chest Wound was the collective of Canadian musicians, artists and performers active from 1983 and split up in 1997. They also performed under various names for example as Sweet Children Of The West because the Sucking Chest Wound name was under veto for performing.
In January 1986 PnrH and dWM of SCW began a weekly radio show on CKLN-FM (88.1 MHz), a Toronto community station. The show was called Building Balanced Children and the premise of the show was to perform a live improvised mixdown using 100% sampled material. They used turntables, tape loops, digital delays and the first affordable digital sampler – the Ensoniq Mirage.
dWM and PnrH in their stage attire
They performed the Building Balanced Children show under the name Security Operations Consultants, which they would also use for a live performance in the fall of 1986.
The  Building Balanced Children show lasted until April 1986, and during its run  produced some of the most extreme music being broadcast on the Toronto air waves at the time. 
Excerpt from this recording is included in compilation named A Very Large Arrey released in 1987 on Sound Of Pig. 

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Rod Summers - The Sound Of An Unsound Mind (Vec Audio, cass, 198?)

Narrative, sound poetry cassette by Rod Summers previously shared on No Longer Forgotten Music.

Rod Summers (born 1943), born in DorsetEngland, is a sound, visual, conceptual artistperformance poetdramatistmail artist and book artist, publisher, archivist, and lecturer on intermedia. He is based in Maastricht, Netherlands.
The results of Summers' multiple, art-related activities have often appeared as part of his concept of VEC (Visual, Experimental, Concrete), which he originated in 1973. In 1999CNN International featured Summers in its Art Club show as a representative of avant-garde art in the Netherlands. In addition, over the last 20 years, Summers has performed his work at various festivals in Europe and Iceland, including the Reykjavik Art Festival (1991), the Polypoetry Festival of Sound Poetry (Bologna, 1993), and the International Sound Poetry Festival (Bologna, 1997), among others.
Summers features among the "second wave" of intermedia artists, the first wave including Dick HigginsVito AcconciJohn CageAllan KaprowJoseph Beuys, and the Fluxus artists of the 1960s. He differs from Higgins and members of the first generation, however, in that he is less theoretical and more experiential in his approach to his art. There have been no VEC manifestos published by Summers, although one may intuit what it encompasses by examining the activities undertaken and products issued under its sign...
More @ Wiki
Mail art by Rod Summers documentation (partial
Taken from http://mailartarchive.com/2012/02/13/raiders-of-the-lost-artefacts/rod-summers/
Taken from http://www.logolalia.com/mailart/archives/2007_11.html
Taken from http://www.logolalia.com/mailart/archives/2007_11.html
Taken from http://nashmailart.blogspot.com/p/page-10.html
Taken from http://nashmailart.blogspot.com/p/page-10.html
Taken from http://mailartists.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/rod-summers/
Taken from http://a1mailart.blogspot.com/2013/11/rod-summers-collage-collaborations.html
Taken from http://a1mailart.blogspot.com/2013/11/rod-summers-collage-collaborations.html
Taken from http://bluetempera.blogspot.com/2013/10/rod-summers-netherlands-for-mail-art.html
Taken from http://bluetempera.blogspot.com/2013/10/rod-summers-netherlands-for-mail-art.html

More tapes available @ vecworldservice.net

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014




El seguidor y amigo David, de la República checa, que nos pidió una serie de material de Conrad Schnitzler y que debidamente hemos compartido en nuestro blog Electronic Orgy, nos ha mandado este material como agradecimiento y, como no podía ser de otra manera, nosotros se lo hemos aceptado y os lo ofrecemos a todos para vuestro deleite y disfrute. Desde aquí le mandamos una ovación a este agradecido seguidor.

Entremos en materia...

Se ha divulgado muy poco la obra de este genio de Cincinnati, Ohio. John Bender realizó varias cintas y unos cuantos LP entre finales de los 70 y principios de los 80 en su propio sello "Record Sluts" editándolas en series limitadas, con las cajas y fundas hechas a mano, y distribuyendo sus referencias a través de venta por correo. Su estilo era comparable a artistas como Pseudo Code o los primeros Minimal Man (del difunto Patrick Miller). Sonido electrónico oscuro, minimalista y electrónica "lo-fi".

El sello Vinyl On Demand, rescató en 2012 gran parte de la obra de John Bender en una soberbia caja de 7 Lp's. Son 87 temazos que van desde finales de los 70 hasta 1985.



I Don't Remember Now, I Don't Want To Talk About It 1978-1980

A1 Side One 0:37
A2 Victims Of Victimless Crimes 4:14
A3 Time Stops, We Move On 4:42
A4 It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Baby 5:57
A5 It's Something To Do 5:17
B1 One Side 0:48
B2 Victims Of Victimless Crimes 4:15
B3 Walk Down Wet Street 5:32
B4 You Put These Things Inside My Head 9:26

Plaster Falling 1979-1981

C1 Meeting Station 3:28
C2 Plaster (Long Version) 9:08
C3 Woman 3:42
C4 People Feeling (Long Version) 7:14
D1 Something (Long Version) 6:12
D2 Understood (Records) 3:52
D3 Before You (Knuckles) 4:21
D4 Cities Of The Plan (Long Version) 4:39
D5 Walk Down Wet Street (Long Version) 6:04

Plaster: The Prototypes / Beep Squeek Hum Squawk 1978-1981

E1 Philosophy 4:17
E2 I Know 5:21
E3 No2u 4:34
E4 Reason 9:00
E5 Nervous 5:07
F1 Beep Squeek Hum Squawk Part I.II 6:40
F2 Beep Squeek Hum Squawk Part I.III 6:05
F3 Beep Squeek Hum Squawk Part I.IV 6:50
F4 Beep Squeek Hum Squawk Part II.I 2:48
F5 Beep Squeek Hum Squawk Part III.IV 5:25

Packing List 1982

G1 Packing List 1 1:46
G2 Pieces Of A Puzzle 4:26
G3 Packing List 2 1:40
G4 Three Minutes 4:03
G5 Sun Is Bright 4:31
G6 Sand Is Everywhere 1:25
G7 Packing List 3 4:37
G8 Dreams 3:21
G9 Take It Out To Bring It In 3:59
H1 Let's Be Friends 7:16
H2 Buy American (Edit) 6:29
H3 Packing List 4 1:12
H4 Data How Are You, Tone (Edit) 7:01
H5 Noone Knows You 7:54

Pop Surgery 1982-1983

I1 Meat (Long Version) 5:14
I2 Glacial (Long Version) 8:45
I3 Thought (Long Version) 3:34
I4 Mallinder (Long Version) 2:42
I5 Hand 1:10
I6 Day (Long Version) 4:14
J1 Dance 2:22
J2 Glass 2:25
J3 Blue 3:59
J4 Cows 1:48
J5 Amalgamelon 3:23
J6 Unrelated (It's Obvious) 3:10
Do The Cage / At The 4th St. Cage 1983
K1 Do The Cage 1 2:05
K2 You Said You Were Mine 1:35
K3 Looking For A Play 1:50
K4 I Know You Know 2:31
K5 First Time I Saw You 2:23
K6 I Found The Truth 1:48
K7 So Sad 3:27
K8 Never Wanted To Go 5:08
K9 You Never Know (Edit) 7:07
L1 At The Cage 1 7:16
L2 Took Me By The Hand 7:04
L3 Never Could 6:36
L4 You Look At Me I Look At You 2:42
L5 Last Time I Saw You 5:12
L6 48 Hours 1:05

Johnny Vortex - The Cassette / Boon Ober Babasooma 1976-1985

M1 Intro 1:20
M2 Cast Of Characters 3:10
M3 The Deal 2:50
M4 Shoes 3:40
M5 Run To Rapture 4:42
M6 Carnival 5:11
M7 Postscript 3:01
M8 Phone Sex 3:44
N1 Facial 1:50
N2 Love & Power 6:12
N3 Interlude 0:47
N4 Whole In The Window 4:51
N5 Taste Of Life 3:22
N6 Hardfreeze 5:01
N7 No2u 4:33


domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

M. Finnkrieg & Henry Hektik & Thomas Sutter - Berlin Diary: Volume 1 - Victory Weapon One (Regicide Bureau, C60,1987-1988)

"Exciting release from M. Finnkrieg and Henry Hektik + Tom Sutter from Regicide Bureau....

This was an 8 Tape series recorded at Deaf Eye Studios in Berlin during the late 80's...

These cassettes were extremely limited .... available directly from the artists...now defunct

This is the first tape... volume one

M Finnkrieg - Synths, Rhythms, Programming, sampling
Henry Hektik - Synths, Rhythms, Programming, Tapes
Thomas Sutter - Synths, Voice, Guitar, Tape

Deaf Eye
Rathenowerstr.  46
1000 Berlin 21
West Germany"

Ripped by anemiccinema.

This tape was previously shared on Mutant Sounds and I am still searching for other editions.

According to the info I found, Thomas Sutter is from St. Louis, Mike Finnkrieg is based in Berlin, Henry Hektik is also German I'd say.

Thomas Sutter (Regicide Bureau) is prolific tape trader and home taper, the label Regicide Bureau included a great amount of 1980-2000+ releases. His own cassettes are on classic Sound of Pig, Deaf Eye, Ecto Tapes, Harsh Reality Music and HalTapes; documentation of his collaboration includes Charles Rice Goff III, If, Bwana, Minoy, Hal McGee...
Here is another compilation track probably dated 1989, one of many collabs with M. Finnkrieg - LINK.

 I remember very well Finnkrieg's, Sutter 's and Central's 
WAR GODS track from Thee Exchange Ov Magnetic Energies limited edition compilation (International Terrorist Networkwhich induced me to keep these guys in mind and try to get more musical material by them... Anyway, Mike Finnkrieg is owner of Deaf Eye label and was in duo group along with Henry Hektik called Subtle Reign which was active shortly in the 80s releasing two tapes (or maybe more) that are highly rare. 

Among other works, Henry had done his tracks available on the plate of Audiofile Tapes, IRRE Tapes, Epitapes for compilations....

An electro orientated release.

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014


Ante todo, agradecer al amigo Tingis del blog "LA PELLE MUTA" por hacerme llegar este material.

ProletKult, o “proletarskaya kultura”, es el término ruso para “Cultura Proletaria”, acuñado en la Unión Soviética en 1917 por Alexander Bogdanov para referirse a un movimiento ideológico que pretendía convertirse en la expresión auténtica del marxismo en la cultura. 

En lo que se refiere a música, se trata de un proyecto musical de Juan Pablo Monreal, su segundo trabajo como Proletkult, editado en "Weimar Tapes". Proletkult es su etapa más vinculada a la electrónica, aunque luego vendría Zell Republik, algo más áspera. Mi compañera Mors Mea compartió hace unos meses una cassette de Zell Republik. Actualmente no se dedica a la música, sino a cirugía plástica y estética.

Por cierto, si alguien tiene (original o digitalizada) esta cinta, le agradeceremos que nos lo haga saber, la estamos buscando: http://www.discogs.com/Proletkult-Una-Linea-Es-Una-Fuerza/release/4907421



A1 Theatrum Machinarum Generale
A2 Manifesto Programatico I/II/III
A3 Theatri Statici Universalis
A4 Anartismo Est Non-Art
A5 Theatrum Instrumentorum Et Machinarum
A6 Proyecto
B1 Onaggio A Majakovskij
B2 Theatrum Arithmetico Geometrico
B3 Proun
B4 De Be Metallica
B5 Mundo Sin Objeto