viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017


NIGREDO es un proyecto sonoro portugués compuesto por LUCRECIA BOSCH y PAULO MALDOROR. Ambos tuvieron una vida muy activa durante la década de los 90 trabajando en el sonido industrial. Personalmente, me encantan.

Esta edición de CANTIONES PROFANAE está compuesta por el cassette, un folleto desplegable y una carpeta en tamaño A6, todo ello en papel pergamino.



A1 Untitled
B1 Untitled




Password para descomprimir el rar: STAHLFABRIK
Password to unzip the rar: STAHLFABRIK

8 comentarios:

  1. this is my rip...originally posted on vita ignes corpus lignum blog and then re-posted on 1000flights blog

    1. Ok, it's your rip. And what do you propose? Do you want a medal? Do you want me to pay you a commission? Your Rip is traveling at the speed of light through the networks, walking around soulseek and precisely since this p2p network has landed on my computer. My rips also travel through the networks, they also walk around Soulseek and are also shared by other blogs and I do not say anything, because this material is so free to be hung on your blog or any other blog that appears tomorrow. What's more, I do not consider "my property" the rips I make, they cease to be my property when I share them on the net.
      Come, we will continue to live in peace and freedom, that this already begins to look like a mafia.

      Ok, es tu rip. ¿Y qué propones? ¿Quieres una medalla? ¿quieres que te pague una comisión? Tu Rip está viajando a la velocidad de la luz por las redes, paseándose por soulseek y precisamente desde esta red p2p ha aterrizado en mi ordenador. Mis rips también viajan por las redes, también se pasean por Soulseek y también son compartidos por otros blogs y yo no digo nada, porque este material es tan libre de ser colgado en tu blog o en cualquier otro blog que aparezca mañana. Es más: yo no considero "de mi propiedad" los rips quie hago, dejan de ser de mi propiedad cuando los comparto en la red.
      Venga, vamos a seguir conviviendo en paz y en libertad, que ésto ya empieza a parecer una mafia.

  2. Me parece despreciable el comentario de faraway y con su actitud lo que hace es cubrirse de mierda, suerte tenemos de webs como las vuestras que ponen en circulacion estos tesoros musicales por todo el ancho y largo de internet que de otra forma estarian guardados en colecciones privadas sin poder tener acceso a ellos. Haceis un trabajo impresionante de divulgacion y democratizacion cultural pero cuando gente como faraway se ponen en este plan dan ganas de enviarlo a la mierda y no volver a pisar su web porque no es solo en esta web donde hay que soportar sus tonterias tambien lo hace en otras webs y incluso en redes sociales, parece que no se da cuenta del daño que se esta haciendo a si mismo le vale mas su egolatria que el objetivo de su trabajo.
    Hugo A. Garcia

  3. Hello,it was not my intention to get angry feelings,in fact I only wanted to say that it was my rip---I didn` say anything else and you are making lots of wrong ideas/comments...i really do not understand all those angry answers:i didn`t say to you NOT to share it(i am happy you shared it indeed),I didn`t say it is only mine--i didn`t use any bad word and I was not angry like you,please rectify your views...I have no angry feelings.Hope you will change your mind about my single comment---

    1. If I had to go blog by blog saying where many rips of mine were published, I would be writing all day without stopping. I am not taking away your right to write to tell us where those rips were published, on the contrary, write whenever you want, but you must understand that your information does not bring anything, neither good nor bad, therefore it is not necessary to inform us about it, unless you have some "special" interest in making known these facts. Of course I withdraw my anger, but I keep my strangeness when I see your peculiar interest in letting people know where these rips had been previously published. Of course I take your word of "peace", as I asked in my first comment, because I believe that above all we have to live, share and collaborate. This is, personally, the sense that I give to the blogs that I direct.

  4. Hello again...I am sorry to have provoked such angry feelings,as I said before this was NOT my intention.In future I might repost on my blog one of your rip,if you will post a comment about your effort and pleasure to convert into digital that tape then my answer can only be:"THANK YOU for all this precious work and for sharing it,I did like it so much that I felt re-posting it on my blog".Yes,let`s share the music we love as mush as we can,this world can be a better place if only we share our efforts/love/passion and respect.Peace again,thank you for all the good music and info you share on your lovely blog.

    1. Thanks for your words. Anyway, you know that I'm not going to write in any blog when I see rips made by me, it's a matter of principle.
      Thank you for existing and, above all, for coexisting. ;)

  5. Any chance to rip this in a lossless format? Thx!!
