sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014


Segunda parte de esta magnífica serie de recopilaciones internacionales a cargo del sello Prion. En este volumen encontramos nombres muy sabrosos como podéis comprobar en el tracklist. Espero que lo gocéis este fin de semana.



A1 –No Unauthorized Bouffer Les Mains
A2 –Die Rache Tal Section 1
A3 –EMPAC The Cadaver In Your Brain
A4 –Enstruction Before The Suicide
A5 –PCR* My Disease Is My Short Life
A6 –Kapotte Muziek Collage Nr. 1
B1 –Costes Cassette* SIDA
B2 –Pacific 231 (2) Ennairam 68
B3 –X-Ray Pop La Grenouille
B4 –If Bwana* / Enstruction Untitled
B5 –Phaenomenalismus Erscheinung 2






9 comentarios:

  1. Hello thank you for your very nice blog
    I just don't understand how you're doing your flac files.
    Using this tool, http://y-soft.org/English/products/auCDtect-Task-Manager/
    I can see that most of them are cut at 15Khz and it indicates that they where sourced from a lossy format. The tool itself also says in its analysis that most are MPEG sourced
    So i don't really understand what is the point. Can you rip directly your tapes on wav then convert on flac after?
    Might be super cool cause so nice. Otherwise best to stay in mp3 really
    Many thanks.

  2. Hello friend. First of all thank you for your interest in my blogs.
    Secondly tell you that most of the tapes and lp's that I share here are ripped by me and it always convert to format "flac" from the original. Sometimes tapes and lp's I have not physically share but have been discharged through the "Soulseek" software where you select always listed as converted to flac or wav, mp3 discarding. What I know was that software that you recommend and which can detect the origin of the recordings, so from now on I will make sure that these are real files "flac" and not counterfeit. Thank you very much for your notice and for working to get aware of the existence of that software. Best regards.

  3. What you do is so good . If you need any help or tip on softaware or anything , it's all cool. I will be very happy to help you. I really dream about the 3 minute symphony in real lossless format. That will be awesome!!
    Keep in touch
    : )

  4. The collection Three Minute Symphony not have in physical form but was down from Soulseek, supposedly in flac format. I'm sorry to be a fake flac, it was not my intention, I assure you.

  5. either way, thank you for sharing this. Crucial compilation. Amazing tracks on these.

  6. Buenas y gracias por el trabajo que haces con este blog.

    Te recomiendo esta herramienta para analizar los audios cuando lo necesites:
    Es software libre y multiplataforma.

    ¡Un saludo!

  7. No entiendo qué gana nadie con esos chanchullos de sacar algo en flac a partir de un formato con pérdida…Lo importante sigue siendo esa música maravillosa que nos haces llegar desde Wet Dreams. De aquello que posteas a partir del original no cabe la menor duda, así que mil gracias por seguir siendo uno de los blogs de referencia en estos sonidos. Anónimo sevillano.

  8. La verdad es que cuando me dijeron lo de que eran flacs procedentes de otros formatos me quedé de pasta de boniato, es lo que tú dices, no sé qué gana la gente haciendo estas cosas. Este material, como otros muchos colgados en este blog, procede de Soulseek, sitio al que acudo desde hace más de diez años y en el que se supone que hay gente honrada pero bueno, hay de todo como en botica.
